
Our Products

Innovation based on reasearch is our biggest strength and over the last 10 years, we have
created a revolutionary range of products that act on different kinds of biodegradable and industrial waste.


Envorein, our flagship product is a powerful curated blend of oxidizing agents functioning as a single unit to speed up the process of biodegradation in solid and liquid waste. This first of its kind eco-friendly technology neutralizes contamination, eliminates foul odour, and purifies the environment.

Envorein can be introduced directly into your sewage collection tank, drainage system, canal, or any water body to clarify the water. It can be sprinkled or sprayed over the solid waste to bid goodbye to foul odour and environment contamination!

What does it do?

  • Eliminates foul odour.
  • Speeds up biodegradation.
  • Purifies the environment.


For all kinds of solid and liquid biodegradable waste.

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EnvoFresco is our specially curated product for hotels, restaurants, and resorts where there is a high oil and grease content in their liquid waste. This eco-friendly product has been proven to produce powerful results for restaurants, food markets, hotels, and resorts.

What does it do?

  • Breaks down oil and grease content in water.
  • Eliminaties foul odour.
  • Prevents formation of thick sludge.


Hotels, Restaurants, Resorts, Food markets with high oil content in sewage.

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Our range of specially curated powerful microbial cultures have specific applications on various kinds of solid and liquid biodegradable waste. When used in combination with our main products, they can break down all forms of biodegradable pollutants into non-toxic byproducts. This improves efficiency, reduces operational costs, and speeds up the treatment process in the most eco-friendly manner possible.


A carefully curated blend of microencapsulated anaerobic bacteria, that can degrade fecal sludge containing human and animal waste. This microbial culture can be used effectively for septic tanks and bio waste collection tanks.

What does it do?

  • Acts fast and breaks down fecal sludge.
  • Eliminates foul odour.
  • Makes the sludge easier and safer to handle.


Bio-toilets, anaerobic waste tanks, septic tanks

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A powerful bio-treatment intensifier comprising aerobic bacteria for STPs and ETPs that enhances the treatment of bio-liquid waste by neutralizing wastewater, reducing the COD/ BOD levels, eliminating foul odour, and reducing sludge formation.

What does it do?

  • Neutralizes wastewater.
  • Enhances the efficiency of STP/ETP.
  • Reduces COD/BOD levels.


Hospitals, Dairy/Poultry farms, Food manufacturing units, Residences and other places with an STP/ETP

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A first of its kind bio culture mix with both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that can convert all kinds of organic waste into high quality compost. Highly effective at eliminating odour from the decomposing waste, suppressing the menace of flies and other insects, and enhancing the quality of the compost formed.

What does it do?

  • Speeds up the composting process.
  • Eliminates foul odour.
  • Improves the quality of the compost formed.


All kinds of compost pits.

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To get safe drinking water, why should you depend on chemicals that are less efficient, produce harmful byproducts, and leave a strong taste in the water?

EnvoAqua is our specially formulated chlorine dioxide-based product for disinfecting and purifying water for a wide range of industrial and residential applications. When introduced into water, it kills all water-borne microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, mould, spores, cyst etc.
Without leaving any by-products or side-effects.
Without allowing any resistance build-up by microorganisms.
With no irritation to skin, eyes or tissues.

What does it do?

  • Disinfects water without leaving any byproducts or side-effects.
  • Leaves no residual odour or change in taste unlike Chlorine.
  • Does not allow any resistance build-up by microorganisms.
  • Causes no irritation to skin,eyes or tissues.


Drinking water, swimming pool, wells, ponds and outpout tank of STP.

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